Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What is Tellagami?

What is Tellagami?

While thinking about what digital representation I would like to create for myself, I noticed that all of the selections that I have heard of or have previous knowledge of were already chosen by other classmates. In a desperate search, I glanced at #6 and was instantly intrigued when I had read that it was a free app that can be downloaded right into your iPhone. How cool is that? 

Anyway, let me just briefly explain what Tellagami is and how it works. After downloading Tellagami from the app store, you can instantly jump right into making your short video creations. Using the icons (shown in the image to the right), you will be able to follow four simple steps to creating your Gami. First, you must customize your character, then you must pick a specific emotion for your character. Then you can pick a background, record your voice or insert a text, and you are done. All that is left is just to share. I would recommend using this app in an Elementary classroom because it is very simple and easy to figure out. The icons are self explanatory and this app is not complex what so ever. I also think the graphics are great in quality considering this is a free 3-D app. The only negative side that I would find in this app is that the time for recording is limited to only 30 seconds and you would have to purchase the full app in order to have an extension of 60 seconds. It wouldn't be enough time for a whole lesson, but it would be a resourceful tool for a Morning message or for opening a lesson with a motivational question to activate prior knowledge. 

This app was perfect to use for creating a "Digital Me." I appreciated every minute of working with this app. It's something that I will share with future students. I will gladly sufficiently apply this type of app into my future teaching strategies.  

Click the link to take a look at my Gami

The Next Generation

The Next Generation

 I fully agree 100% with the statements that were presented throughout this unique video. In today's society, unfortunately technology is taking over. It's not something that I see as wrong or bad, but it strongly impacts students who know how to accurately operate digital devices, but have teachers who have little to no experience with using technology in and out of the classroom. I would highly recommend for all teachers to view this video as a way of showing how important the use of technology is to all students future. As time goes on, the technology market expands. For example, instead of written textbooks, books are now located online. It's incredible to see how over the years, the world is starting to go paperless and focus on converting to digital media

As an Information Technology major that concentrates in Education, I'd have to say that I fully support technology use in classrooms. Others may assume that technology will just lead to "goofing around," but in most cases, technology will beneficially help the students in the long run. In my opinion, the most important part out of the whole video that really touched my heart was where a boy and a girl held up white boards that stated, "Let me use the WWW," and "Whatever, Whenever, Wherever." This short snip scene really stood out to me because it was a creative visionary that explained the World Wide Web in different terms. Personally, I found this comparison to be mind-strikingly impressive being that the students were able to clearly make that type of thought-provoking connection. Everyone can access pretty much anything when using the internet which would refer to "Whatever." When thinking about the "Whenever" and "Wherever," everything can be accessed almost at any time now due to Wi-Fi and cellular data, as well as through a variety of handy devices: laptops, tablets, and mobile cellular devices. 

With that said, I heavily agree with the use of technology in every day life specifically because it is revolving into becoming such a major part of society. Everyone needs to know how to use technology, especially future teachers to come. Technology is a tool that is never going to go away, so as future teachers, we should adapt our old ways and encourage the use of outstanding, resourceful technology gadgets. 

Although others may assume that technology is taking over the golden days and forcing teachers to change their teaching ways, technology is the new way of life and a new way of learning. Technology is going to advance and it is here to stay.

Entertain and incorporate the new ways of teaching, but never forget the 20th century.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Overwhelming Welcome Back

Overwhelming Welcome Back 

Before entering Social Studies Methods this morning, I was very anxious and nervous of what adventures were ahead for the rest of this semester. Although I have heard how beneficial this course is to future educators, I have also heard how much work accompanies this course from past students. I was definitely worried that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the tasks because I view myself, personally, as an "over achiever" or "perfectionist" who likes to do everything to the best of my ability. I was happy to see that on eClass, everything is organized and everything that is due for a specific week is listed.

To introduce the over all topic of Social Studies Methods, I was surprised to automatically jump into an Ice Breaker activity after a brief discussion of the syllabus. Normally in other classes, the syllabus is discussed for the majority of the time on the first day, but not in this class. I enjoyed this ice breaker activity because it helped to open my eyes to see how much future educators have in common. This type of ice breaker defined the phrase "Great minds think alike". The two questions that I strongly enjoyed during this ice breaker was #2: Provide three characteristics or traits that you would see in an effective Social Studies teacher and #4: What do you expect to achieve in this class? (Goals). I believe that a successful Social Studies teacher should be enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and encouraging. As a child, Social Studies was not my favorite subject because most of my teachers were quite boring and it seemed that they taught without care. When I heard the fourth question, I instantly knew exactly what I hoped I would get out of this class and that was to build confidence when teaching Social Studies. Social Studies is not my strongest subject. All through out my educational career as a student, Social Studies has always been my weakest link. So, I am hoping that I will be confident when I finally teach Social Studies to others. 

After our first official activity individually as well as in a group, Dr. Smirnova rushed into assigning our first project and our first blog posts. Now this is where I started getting frustrated out of confusion. I understood our directions for the first project, but when it came to the blog posting, I got confused because I couldn't keep up with how fast everything was flowing. I know that I should of expected it, but it just slipped my mind. Dr. Smirnova is an informational teacher who wastes no time what so ever. I love it, but at the same time I was already stressing out and it's only the first day! I don't want my Spring 2016 semester to end the same as my Fall 2015 semester with shingles again. However, I am not discouraged. I am keeping my head up and I won't give up. I just have to keep telling myself "Don't worry, it's only your first day back. You will get used to it again." I just need to breath. 

Now that I vented about my anxiety filled first day, Hello everyone! My name is Kimberly Rivera and welcome to "Kimberly Rivera's Technology Corner of Elementary Studies." This is where I'll be reflecting on my wild roller coaster of a trip through Social Studies Methods. I'm looking forward to reaching into my inner teacher to become the best that I can be while teaching Social Studies. I have always feared teaching Social Studies because of my lack of confidence, but I have faith that by the time this course ends, I'll be ready and prepared with all of the necessary tools, materials, and information that will boost my confidence in achieving my dream of becoming an effective Elementary School teacher.